
GET api/Values/v1/BusStop/{id}

Get information for a specific bus stop, v1 feed provided for stability for app developers to rely on an exact feed version

GET api/Values/v1/{secondsAgo}/{lat}/{lon}/{stopsWithinXMetres}/{limitTo}

Get bus locations and bus stops (if lat and lon provided) within x metres of the provided location, v1 feed provided for stability for app developers to rely on an exact feed version

GET api/Values/v1/GetMin/{secondsAgo}/{lat}/{lon}/{stopsWithinXMetres}/{limitTo}

Get a minimum information version of bus locations and bus stops (if lat and lon provided) within x metres of the provided location, v1 feed provided for stability for app developers to rely on an exact feed version

GET api/Values/v1/GetRoutes

Get the list of routes available, v1 feed provided for stability for app developers to rely on an exact feed version

GET api/Values/BusStop/{id}

Get information for a specific bus stop

GET api/Values/{secondsAgo}/{lat}/{lon}/{stopsWithinXMetres}/{limitTo}

Get bus locations and bus stops (if lat and lon provided) within x metres of the provided location

GET api/Values/GetMin/{secondsAgo}/{lat}/{lon}/{stopsWithinXMetres}/{limitTo}

Get a minimum information version of bus locations and bus stops (if lat and lon provided) within x metres of the provided location

GET api/Values/GetRoutes

Get the list of routes available